Features | Pocket finance


1. Dashboard

Avilable panels: expense summary for today and expenses by cards, expense summary for current month and expenses by cards, balance summary and balances by cards.

For refresh swipe down or use refresh button on toolbar.

Click on expense number and you'll be navigated to "Database" tab. It will display all today (or current month) operations.

Plus button in right-bottom corner will allow you to add New card or new Transaction (e.g. for cash payments).

If you have new messages to be imported - you'll see "Not imported" text in red color. Click on it to start import.

For automatic import (if place was already saved) - use Cards->Automatic import option.

2. Database

Transactions are displayed in convenient table form.

Click on any column header for sorting .

Click on "Filter" icon on toolbar for filtering settings .

Use long click on any transaction to delete several transactions at once.

Use plus button in right-bottom corner for new transaction input.

3. Database->Filter data

You can filter your transactions by Category and Place.

Also you can show/hide hidden transactions (e.g. confirmation codes, info messages etc)

Number and sum of all filtered transactions are displayed on bottom border of filter panel.

4. Database->Check balances

That feature will allow you to check your bank for hidden payments and comissions.

It compares balances for previous date and current date, and also includes sum of current date transactions.

If results does not match - you'll see it in "Difference" column.

5. Transaction

Transaction input allows you to add manual income/expense items and also to edit imported transactions.

You can set date, category, place (you can add new place in the same window), money source (card, cash), amount and balance.

Also you can split your transaction to several categories, scroll below for more info.

Income, Expense, Ignore - determine where to classify your transaction. If category not set - then it will be categorized as "Not selected". Ignored transactions are not displayed by default.

Original sms text is saved as Description, you can also add there your notes if needed.

Transaction remove and Help are available on upper side of input windowУдаление транзакции и Подсказки.

6. Transaction->Split

You can split transaction into several categories.

Default split is 2 or 3 items. Amounts will be determined automatically.

If amounts are not equal - set one of the amounts manually, other amounts will be calculated automatically.

Each split can have it's own category and comment (use three dots menu).

7. Compare

Check your Incomes and Expenses by categories and months.

You can scroll table upside/down, left/right and see how your financials change with time.

Click on any amount and you'll be navigated to "Database" tab, and see which transactions that amount includes.

Also you can check summary Income/Expenses for all months.

8. Import

Start import using one of the following methods:

  • Dashboard->Toolbar menu->Import,
  • Dashboard->"Not imported" message,
  • Cards->Your card->Import.
  • Make sure that transaction and balance are parsed correctly (see bottom of the window). If they are not parsed of parsed incorrectly - add/edit rule in Cards->Your card->"Transactions and balances parsing rules", or send us email with problem description.

    Choose keywords which point to the place of transaction, also set Type (Income, Expense, Ignore) and Category.

    Select "Save rule" checkbox and next time that place will be classified automatically.

    Use left-right arrows at the bottom of the input window to navigate between importing sms messages.

    You can see ready-to-import transactions on Import buttons.

    9. Cards, banks, categories, places

    Use "Plus" button on a toolbar to add new card ("Card addition master"). Another way of doing that - "Plus" button on "Dashboard".

    Use "Categories" panel to change Income/Expenses categories.

    Shop places - will allow you to add/edit places, also add/edit keywords and default classification (Type and Category).

    10. Settings

    Save backup - will save your entire database as XML file.

    Load backup - will load XML file to your database (old data will be deleted).

    Send backup - will save your database to XML file and send it to a recipient.